Report the Injury Immediately to Your Supervisor

The longer you wait, the more you allow the company to claim the injury took place off the job and you could be denied workers’ compensation.

Bring a Witness When You Are Reporting Your Injury

If management tries to discourage you in any way from reporting the injury, or retaliates against you for reporting an injury, contact Local 812 immediately. JUST TELLING A SUPERVISOR is not a substitute for filling out an injury report.

Seek Medical Care Right Away

Call an ambulance if you need to.  Do not hesitate to leave the job if necessary, but make sure you inform your supervisor.

New York State Workers’ Compensation law allows you to choose your own doctor. The company may recommend a doctor, but it is your choice to decide who you will see.

Get a Workers’ Comp Attorney

The Workers’ Compensation system has become so complicated that it is impossible to navigate without an attorney.

Local 812 has many attorneys that it works with in this area. Call your business agent to help you find an attorney that is familiar with the beverage industry.

Get the representation you need to make sure your rights are respected.