Shop Steward & Key Members Seminar 2019

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scholarship drawing
scholarship drawing Lambre Photography
National Anthem
National Anthem Lambre Photography
National Anthem 2
National Anthem 2 Lambre Photography
Recording Secretary Angel Martinez
Recording Secretary Angel Martinez Lambre Photography
IBY Local 553 PO Demos Demopoulos
IBY Local 553 PO Demos Demopoulos Lambre Photography
IBT Rep., Local 210 RS Bernadette Kelly
IBT Rep., Local 210 RS Bernadette Kelly Lambre Photography
IBT VP Jack Cipriani (retired)
IBT VP Jack Cipriani (retired) Lambre Photography
IBT Soft Drink & Beverage Con. Dir. Greg Nowak
IBT Soft Drink & Beverage Con. Dir. Greg Nowak Lambre Photography
IBT VP George Miranda
IBT VP George Miranda Lambre Photography
IBT Auditor David Smith
IBT Auditor David Smith Lambre Photography
IBT Local 1149 S-T Steve Richmond
IBT Local 1149 S-T Steve Richmond Lambre Photography
IBT Local 830 S-T Dan Grace
IBT Local 830 S-T Dan Grace Lambre Photography

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