Coke Elmsford Production members. From left, Dianna McNair, Margaret Plonska, Marisol Ortiz, Liz Vitale and Yunici Rodriguez
As we observe Women’s History Month this March, Local 812 recognizes the important contributions that our Local 812 sisters are making in our union.
Like the rest of the labor movement, Local 812 welcomes the increasing number of women within our ranks. Women’s participation in unions is beneficial to them for several reasons. Unionized women have greater earnings—$219, or 30 percent more per week - than women working in non-union jobs. They are also much more likely to have health and pension benefits. Union membership also provides them with an important voice at work.
Local 812 President Joe Vitta said, “Equal pay, for both men and women, is a cornerstone of the union movement. Unity is what makes us strong and our Local 812 sisters are key to all of our fights. I encourage them to speak out and become involved in every aspect of our union.”

Local 812 member Liz Vitale was one of the first thirteen women hired locally at Coca-Cola. She currently works in Elmsford production. Over the past two decades, she’s learned the importance of being active in the union. Vitale said, "The union is always responsive and is there to help every member.”
Vitale also believes that every member has an important part to play. “There can’t be any divisions, we’ve all got to be on the same page, from new members to retirees,” said Vitale. She urges Local 812 brothers and sisters to stay informed, attend union meetings and to do “whatever it takes.”
Dianna McNair has been at Coke for 21 years and works in production at Elmsford. A mother of 4, McNair sees union membership as a part of her identity and can’t imagine not being a member of the Teamster family. She credits her union job for giving her the ability to put her youngest daughters through college.
McNair explained, “We’ve all got to be there for our union. I’d like to see more women become involved and we’ve got to reach out to our new members. When I first started, I didn’t think too much about our benefits, but now I see how important they are. We’ve got to fight together to keep them.”

Patty Frahm works in Coke’s Maspeth Warehouse and has been a member for nearly 23 years. Frahm understands the importance of having a union contract and representation, she believes that strong enforcement provides all members with good working conditions and job security. She sees her union sisters as team players that can be counted on to get things done.
Frahm said, “The union is in good shape and we have excellent benefits. It’s important to talk to new workers and let them know what the union does. Everyone has to be together, especially with contract negotiations coming up.”